GenWise Tips
8 min read

Simplifying Daily Life for Seniors: How GenWise Does It

GenWise is here to make life easier for elders of the family by making them a part of the Largest Online Club of Elders!
Simplifying Daily Life for Seniors: How GenWise Does It
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In today’s world, technology can be challenging for seniors to understand. They find it difficult to do everyday things like staying in touch with family or taking their medicines. The things which are a part of the daily life of younger generations do not often reach the elders, making their lives harder in the age of digital developments. GenWise is here to make life easier for elders of the family by making them a part of the Largest Online Club of Elders!

Seniors face difficulties in staying connected with their families, keeping track of their health, and maintaining social interaction. The shift to online platforms for tasks like ordering food and transportation makes them feel left out and affects their sense of independence.

GenWise Simplifying the Life of Our Elders

With the GenWise App, families can set Medicine Reminders for other family members and get detailed reports about their health. This helps them stay on track with their medication and reduces the chance of mistakes. Younger family members can set reminders for the older family members and take care of them remotely – no matter the distance!

GenWise also understands the importance of independence and mental well-being for seniors. Through features like Personal Assistant and Saathi, GenWise provides elders with people who are dedicated to spend quality time with them. Personal Assistant encourages learning and makes the process extra efficient with the screen-sharing facility which helps our elders navigate the phone screens. Saathi is a one-of-a-kind feature provided by GenWise where our elders can talk to empathetic people who are available as per their convenience, ready to be there for them through phone calls to have meaningful conversations.

Another lifestyle change GenWise provides is freeing our elders from the task of physically going to the banks and getting their passbooks updated, a much loved yet hated practice amongst the masses. With GenWise‘s Risk Free Passbook, they get an RBI approved facility, where our elders can link their bank accounts with just a few simple clicks, and make their phones their passbook! This is an exact replica of the physical passbook, we know better than to take away the fun of swiping papers.

GenWise‘s main goal is to empower seniors and help them become more independent with technology. The app is designed to meet their everyday needs and make life easier for them.

Being committed to simplify the daily life for our elders, GenWise has user-friendly features and personalised support which helps elders embrace the digital world with confidence.